Diversity, Equity & Inclusion.

At Rebalance Capital, we believe that bias against members of underrepresented communities perpetuates systemic inequality and prevents upward mobility. Moreover, it reduces investment performance through multiple effects, such as missing opportunities and silencing original voices. 

We are an investment manager dedicated to generating superior financial returns by investing in solutions that enable upward mobility. Accordingly, our work must be rooted in eliminating bias, using the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion. 

We strive to do this internally, with our portfolio companies, our investors, and the other stakeholders with whom we partner. We believe these principles should align with businesses’ leadership teams, resonate with their workforce, and be felt by their customers and beneficiaries.

We endeavor to produce measurable and transparent outcomes that reflect these values.

We have allocated over 80% of our capital to founders that are members of underrepresented groups.

Over 60% of our extended team
are members of underrepresented groups, and these individuals earn 55% of our fund's economics.

100% of Rebalance's service providers
are minority-owned, minority-led or women-led.